Osanbashi Terminal offers a variety of services for the comfort of all visitors.
Please contact the Information Desk for more details.

Nursing Room
Nursing space, baby seats, and diaper disposal with compressed lamination are available. In addition, air purifiers with antibacterial and sterilizing properties are installed.
Please inquire at the Information Desk before using the area.

Strollers and Wheelchairs for Rent
Stroller wheelchairs and WHILL electric wheelchairs are available for rent at the Information Desk.
※There is a limit to the number.
※Reservations cannot be made.
※No outside food and drinks allowed aboard.

Free wireless LAN is available in the Immigration Lobby.
Please check here to see how to connect.

Chargers (Paid)
Paid chargers are available in the Immigration Lobby.
Fee: 200 yen/30 min.
Supported models: iPhone, Android, various types of feature phones, Wi-Fi routers, iQOS, and outlets for both domestic and overseas devices (mounted connectors, Micro-USB, Lightning, Type-C, FOMA, au, etc.)
Location:2F immigration lobby.

Yen Exchange Machines
Yen exchange machines are located in the Immigration Lobby.
1000 yen bills and 500 yen coins can be exchanged for 100 yen coins.
Location: 2F immigration lobby.

Foreign Exchange Machines
Foreign exchange machines are located in the Immigration Lobby.
Available currencies: 12 types (U.S. dollars, euro, Chinese yuan, Korean won, British pounds, Australian dollars, Taiwan dollars, Hong Kong dollars, Canadian dollars, Singapore dollars, francs, and baht)
Location:2F immigration lobby.

Automatic translators are available at the Information Desk to provide multilingual support.
Location: Please inquire at the 2F information desk.

Two coin lockers are located in the lobby. Please click here for more information about using them.
Location:2F immigration lobby.
